Theatre for children has to keep pace with pedagogy and the role of the creators to identify with the role of the teacher and pedagogue. Especially in the tender, early ages of kindergarden and elementary school, theatre for children is essential for the imagination, the sensitivity and the sociality of the child. Theatre conciliates children with the world . Talking often with you, we are aware of the transportation problems you have in Athens . Visiting a theatre space many times can complicate your daily schedule and trouble children and pedagogues. So, knowing the daily time schedule and the way the schools operate, we have created a performance that can be transported and presented in your space without loosing anything from its quality as it is made exactly for this. In this way transportation problems are avoided. Nevertheless, if you prefer, you can visit our theatre where the performance is presented in a specially designed space for children. The actresses are always near the children, pleasant and attentive. She converses with them and often asks for their help in order for the tales to go on. In this way, a theatre performance makes a step forward and becomes culture and education. AEROPLIO’ s performances are educative & completely enjoyable and entertaining. We are at your disposal to organize with you your performance, at your space or at our theatre for an innovative theatrical and pedagogical experience.
School & Groups