The world is moving forward so is civilization and the rapid evolvement of technology is sweeping everything along. Theater could not be an exception. Aeroplio does not keep its eyes "wide shut" to such a constant "going on". Our involvement and participation in projects counts many years until now. For the realization of such projects, we have collaborated with many institutions and worldwide acclaimed Educational institutions and European Universities. We continue, daring to believe that Art and Science/Technology can only benefit from one another. Since 1996 and until today, Aeroplio theatre and the Centre of Higher Education in Theatre Studies have collaborated in 13 projects. Most of them were based on our innovative ideas. They were directed by Aeroplio theatre and the Centre that its research & educational dpt. consists of inspired people who support our work and express themselves through it. From the "NEW LIFE MAPS " project ( an innovative project that was developed inside prisons of under age and young offenders), to "RUTH BERLAU" ( an educational tool for teaching the History Lesson in High-school Education) and from there to "VR THEATRE" and of course "CLEAR" and "SCOUT", we have enhanced our knowledge, collaborated with important educational and Artistic organizations and have broaden our know-how and horizons.
We were coordinators in two CULTURE projects: 1.Thalassa of myt.hs 2008-2010 and 2. ANCIENT PATHOS 20110-2013 and for the next 2 year we have to realize FAIDRA project and CREATIVE LEARNING - ERASMUS+ project with the collaboration of CENTRE of HIGHER EDUCATION IN THEATER STUDIES which is the coordinator.
The Festivals we have participated in, made us well-known in the European field and gave us the opportunity to get to know the work of many other theatres that use new techniques and methods to develop "Theatre", one step beyond. The most recent is the EUROKIDS FESTIVAL in Washinghton D.C. where we performed at the KENNEDY CENTER, the travel in Australia for 20 days where we present our performance in schools and colleges and the travel to Verona with the project Ancient Pathos.